Zoom Conference with A2i and all stake holder of Telemedicine in Bangladesh on Covid-19

Proposed telemedicine service solution at community level under the current situation to A2i.

➤ Recommended telemedicine center at ward, council level throughout the country under the leadership of community leader.

➤ Aim is to reduce the ordinary patients from the existing health facilities and ensure screening through doctors online at community level as much as possible.

➤ People should remain confined to home and community as much as possible under direct supervision of the community leader.

➤ All service provider should extend their support to community or even to effected individual at least for next 2 months.

➤ Pilot project could be run in DNCC to be followed up by all union, wards . throughout the country if found fruitful.

➤ Required men, equipment and facilities are already there in abundance. Only community leader is to organise and coordinate the service.

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