Digital health and innovation
Digital Healthcare Foundation is a non-profit, charity organization which primarily focuses on Digital Healthcare. The concept of Digital Healthcare is an initiative to bring the whole health care service and facilities of Bangladesh to a digital platform and facilitate the system with information and technology keeping pace with modern innovations and applications of healthcare technology worldwide.
The concept may be developed in line with the fundamentals of Uber technology or can be precisely termed as ‘Uberisation’ of healthcare. Conceptually or hypothetically the healthcare services and facilities, service provider replace Uber Transport and the patient or service receivers take the place of the Transport user. The program will identify all available healthcare service and facilities starting from Rural Health Centre to primary, secondary and tertiary level facilities in upazilla, districts and divisions respectively, connect those digitally and eliminate activities those can be solved digitally.
The platform will also take onboard all the program undertaken by MOHFW specially MIS and make all-out effort to contribute to the government’s program/initiatives on digital healthcare, help achieving UNSDG and connect peoples to those facilities /programs.

In summary, Digital Healthcare Foundation Bangladesh will develop an integrated network of hospitals, primary and specialty care practices, emergency and urgent care centers, outpatient services and destination institutes.

The foundation will take the form of a nonprofit healthcare provider; and will bring world class healthcare education and wellness programing to the people regardless of their ability to pay. Digital Healthcare Foundation Bangladesh will arrange community benefits through subsidized health services, free or discounted charity care, clinical program for low income/poor peoples and investment in cutting age research. Beside access to health services, the program will aim at making people healthy, provide education and service to help keep people healthy by preventive health and disease management program.
In the more recent year, Healthcare is getting more mobile and connected, putting the Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile health (mHealth) at center stage as sources of potential disruption.

These technologies can help in everything from offering patients a convenient way to book appointments and pay bills online, choosing and grading the physicians and facilities, comparing the qualities and effectiveness of medicine, different tests and examinations, allowing doctors to use electronic health records for their diagnosis and prescriptions.

Wearable devices and smartphone apps are spiking in adoption as they unlock the option to monitor and manage individual health anytime, anywhere. This is creating an explosion in personal health data, which consumers are interested to share with their doctor if those are beneficial for them or others. others.

The program will encourage patients to prepare and maintain Electronic Health Record (EHR) gradually, and extract benefits while consulting doctors at home and abroad.

65% of the populations in Bangladesh is under served. Digital Healthcare Foundation Bangladesh will make an effort to bring those people gradually into direct interactions with doctors at least for primary health care by digital communications. This will have big impact on to general health and the image of the government.
A charity/volunteer platform consisting of physicians, hospital and healthcare facilities, social and charity institutions like Rotary and Lions, IT farms, donors both individual and institutional, from both home and abroad will be developed to contribute to program. This will help providing healthcare to poor people free of cost or at subsidized rate. The volunteers will be also used to monitor and keep the system functional at different geographic locations.

NRB including doctors, IT specialists and volunteers will be invited to contribute to the program and engaged with their respective capacities.

The program will also include all possible e delivery and service system including ambulance, Nurses/healthcare aids, medicine, diagnostics test etc. This will primarily focus on to the emergency patients.

The program will have a special focus on geriatric healthcare, adolescent-healthcare, teen- agers addicted to cyber culture, female disease, maternity health and child care too.

The program may start from a pilot project in Armed Forces, Upzilla or social group using doctors and the patient. Software/E-health apps integrating all information regarding the service providers and the facilities will prepared by prominent IT farm prior to that for using in the mobile set or PCs. It will also integrate various health apps already existing both in Bangladesh and other countries if found suitable and facilitating. Timeline for the program to unfold along with research and trial, financial and legal implications will set and reviewed time to time.

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